Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Aftermath of a wild wind.
Today being November 22, we are well into fall.  Yesterday we had one of the wildest wind storms I have seen.  But the greenhouse was all tied down and we recieved no damage.

The shrubs in the garden centre are all on their sides, but OK.  We are continuing with preparing the garden and stock for winter.  We have constructed short garden beds and shortly will move all the plants into these beds.  Then we will fill them in with sawdust.  If you have plants in pots it is important to protect them through the winter.

We will also be creating spring colour pots with the leftover bulbs.  Stay tuned for a how-to on that.  In the time being, get some bulbs, get some pots and get some all purpose soil. Make sure the soil has a bit of fertilizer and some peat or compost so it wont pack too tight.

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