Thursday, 5 January 2012

January 5, 2012

What's up in the garden? Not much really.

Things are looking pretty brown. We have no snow here in Powell River but it is 8 degrees out today; I even saw the sun for 15 minutes or so.

We are past the shortest day of the year and heading into spring. Its time to start thinking about planning your garden. Map out your garden on paper and take a look at sun paths and yard conditions. If you are in Powell River you can join us at the Recreation Complex for our Wednesday evening workshops on gardening.

Take a look at the seed you have left over from last year. If you saved it in a cold dry place, it may be fine to plant. Seed does age wherever it is stored, but most does fine for a couple of years. Make a list of what you want to grow and compare. What do you need to buy to get going for the year? Our seed catalogues are nearly ready and you can shop on-line at at any time.

Things to start indoors in February – herbs, onions and leeks from seed. Perennials can be started from seed now too. Take a look at my article on Suite101 for some tips.

Here in Powell River you can dig in some spinach, lettuce and corn salad seed and they will pop up when it is warm enough for them. Elsewhere in the country – if your ground is frozen you will have to wait until it thaws out to plant these things. 

If you have been winter gardening take a look at your winter lettuce. Hopefully you have some nice salad greens. 

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