Sunday, 28 April 2013

I just love early spring.  Things are that nice new green and the early flowers are popping up.

We have many plants ready to go in the greenhouse; veggies, perennials and fruits.

Right now its a great time for :
- Walla Walla onions - 25 in a bunch for $3 or 50 for $5
- multiplier onions - green onions all summer and bulbs in the fall at $3 per pound
- broad bean plants- 6 for $3, ready to go in the ground

Peas are a good start now, just soak the seed until they have little tails and plant or use the gutter method. Either way, you have a head start.

Plant your spinach and lettuce anytime you like - fall or early spring.  The great thing about them is that they come up when they are ready, without you having to worry about the calendar. 

Its just lovely in the yard - the Asian Pear is in bloom 

and so is the Rhododendron - Olga

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